


渡辺 登喜子 Tokiko Watanabe

渡辺 登喜子




七戸 新太郎 Shintaro Shichinohe

七戸 新太郎


安齋 樹 Itsuki Anzai

安齋 樹



高田 光輔

高田 光輔



木田 裕里恵



 桐野 友美



廣松 加奈子

廣松 加奈子



吉本 紗良

大阪生まれ大阪育ち。2022年鳥取大学医学部生命科学科を卒業後、大阪大学大学院医学系研究科修士課程に入学し、同年4月より当研究室でお世話になっています。ドラマ「科捜研の女」にあこがれて理系に進学しましたが、大学の講義でウイルスに興味を持ち渡辺ラボに流れ着きました。 趣味は睡眠と海外旅行で、おいしいものには目がないです!まだ経験が乏しく未熟者ですが、先生方から知識を吸収して早く成長できるよう励んで参ります。

Victoria Simanihuruk

She was born in Perth, Australia and raised in Indonesia. She got her bachelor's degree from the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Indonesia in 2017 and completed her medical doctor in 2019. After graduating, COVID-19 emerged and she had to take care of COVID-19 patients. She became interested in virology since then because she thinks that we have to go to basic research to find a solution to this problem. She is currently a Ph.D. student at Watanabe Laboratory. Her hobbies are eating, listening to music, and traveling.

渡辺 登喜子 Tokiko Watanabe

Luthfi Muawan

He was born and raised in Indonesia. After completing his bachelor’s degree in biology from Institut Teknologi Bandung, he worked in a biopharmaceutical company in Indonesia. As the COVID-19 pandemic became a public health concern, he was intrigued to pursue graduate studies, especially in virology related fields. He believed that adequate research frameworks and interdisciplinary collaboration play an important role to manage the pandemic’s consequences and prevent recurrences of similar pandemics in the future. His nickname is Dito, and he likes karaoke, food photography, and sightseeing. 

Wang Pei

She was born and raised in Beijing, China. She received her bachelor's degree from Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University in June 2022, and joined the laboratory in October as a PhD student of Medicine. She originally wanted to be a clinical veterinarian for pets, but gradually realized "one health" during her undergraduate studies——human health and environmental health are intrinsically intertwined and interdependent. From this, she became interested in virology and decided to do virological research. Her interests are traveling, cooking, foods and animals. She has a cat named Coco at home in Beijing.


下岡 誠


宮崎 日菜



I was born in Chaiyaphum province, the north-eastern region of Thailand, and I am a microbiologist. I began working at the National Vaccine Institute (NVI), a government agency governed by the Thai Ministry of Public Health, in 2011 after receiving my Master's degree in Medical Microbiology from the Faculty of Medicine at Khon Kaen University. I served as a vaccine technical officer for a policy deployment organization for ten years, and I believe that even during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, our nation had a robust system in place for handling health-related issues. Facing the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 changed my perspective and inspired me to study more in the virology field. In 2022, I was attending the Doctoral Course in Molecular Virology at Osaka University with the support of the Thai Royal Government Scholarship. It is a pleasure for me to be a part of the Watanabe-sensei Lab, and I look forward to learning from everyone there as well as absorbing as much of the beautiful Japanese culture as I can while I study. I absolutely adore cooking, particularly Thai food. When I'm free, I typically play Lego and Gundam.            

Nicholas Yamahoki

I was born and grew up in crowded Jakarta, Indonesia. Apart from reading books, I like playing with my dog. While studying microbiology, viruses piqued my interest because of their unique characteristics and pathogenesis. After completing my undergraduate and master's studies at the School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, I decided to pursue a career in virology and biotechnology research. With the support of the Taniguchi Overseas Scholarship from BIKEN, I joined Watanabe lab and prepared for a roller-coaster journey in the viral universe.

Qingxin Li

She was born in Harbin, China. She received her master’s degree in Biology from Northeast Forestry University in 2022. She became interested in virology research during her master's degree. She hopes to study the interactions between the natural environment, viruses and hosts. Especially to discover the mysteries of the virus-host relationship. She will join the lab as a PhD student in 2024. Her hobbies are reading and tennis. She hopes to learn more knowledge from teachers and everyone in the laboratory, and move forward step by step towards her dream of becoming an excellent virologist.

森本 翔太
